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As an account services intern at MullenLowe, I worked with a team of fellow interns on a project to create potential work for Burger King


COPY: Casey Nealon
AD: Cooper Epps

DESIGN: Billy Palmer, Sarah Reed, Victoria Raschi
STRATEGY: Christina Schwartz
PM: Julia Ross


Make BK the first choice for gamers by creating a stunt that leverages the BK app

Target Audience:

Newbies                 Casual                   Core                 Hardcore                 Pro

These gamers play more than 10 hours a week and typically enjoy playing more complicated role playing video games


BK has a history of playful banter

BK knows how to dish it out but knows there is a limit when it goes too far

They play video games when they just want to relax, and typically less than 10 hours a week

These gamers play more than 10 hours a week and typically enjoy playing more complicated role playing video games.

They play video games whenever they get a chance (on average 20 hours a week) and are usually the most knowledgable about a variety of games. 


From getting hyped to getting bullied

Trash talk is part of the game, but it has quickly become a toxic environment for the gaming community


The conversation of trash talk has been untouched

No QSR brands have gotten involved with the conversation around trash talk

Professional gamers usually play in high-tier tournaments around the world playing for millions dollars. 


There is an art to trash talking

Most gamers can indulge in a little trash talk now and again but there is a fine line between what is appropriate.

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Key Message:

Show gamers how to trash talk like a king

The Idea:

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Burger King knows that trash talk can toe the line between just playing and bullying. 


That’s why we’re here to sweeten defeat. 


When a gamer beats another, they’ll have the option to send a Whopper
to their opponent.

The Execution:

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